21 December 2011

You and The Org

Trust shapes the quality of our relationships in the market of jobs, gigs, and careers.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
~ William Shakespeare
Jurgen Appelo's clever t-shirt test is one of the simplest and astute measures of an organization's well-being I have encountered.
An organization passes the t-shirt test when employees will proudly wear a t-shirt with the company logo on it, hoping that other people notice the name of the organization.
~ Jurgen Appelo, The T-Shirt Test
For company t-shirts, my wear or not-to-wear criteria distill to a mix of ownership, connection, responsibility and loyalty.

What company t-shirts would you wear? What company t-shirts would be publicly embarrassing?

The more companies model the better behaviors of people, the more they resonate. The more companies squeeze people for profit, the more they repel people.

Perhaps it's idealistic to consider less profit for more satisfaction, but I think the notion of common-good will soon return to our lexicon.
Loyalty and friendship, which is to me the same, created all the wealth that I've ever thought I'd have. ~ Ernie Banks
The foundations of trust are broad. The supporting beams that shape the quality of my relationship are:
  • Mutuality of Control - Where is the Org in the spectrum between autocratic & democratic?
  • Dependability - Does the Org keep its promises?
  • Integrity - Do the Org and I share the same principles?
  • Competence - Does the Org accomplish its goals?
  • Interests - Does the Org share mutual interests?
  • Goals - Do the Org and I have compatible goals?
  • Commitment - Does the Org cultivate our relationship?
  • Identity - Do I identify with the Org's brand and public persona?
  • Exchange - Who gives more? Who takes more?

Trust is a two-way, living compact. Trust is gradually built, but suddenly broken.
The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. ~ Ernest Hemingway
Broad-based familial-style loyalty is undervalued, if not lost, in productivity-obsessed companies.
I'll take fifty percent efficiency to get one hundred percent loyalty. 
~ Samuel Goldwyn

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